User management
Creating a new user
Last Updated: November 5, 2024Full name*: The complete name of the user. Position/Title: Enter the position or title of the user, for example Finance Manager. Role*: Select if the person will be Company user or Location user. Company users have access to all records in your account (Contracts, Companies, To-dos, Alerts, etc.) and Location users only have access to selected locations. The role cannot be changed later. However, you can change later the location(s) that a Location user has access to. Location(s): If you have selected “Location” in the previous field, choose here the Location(s) that the user will have access to. This can be changed later. Username/Email*: Enter the email address of the person which will also be their username. Phone number: Enter the main phone number of the user. Subscription level*: Choose “Pro”. Time zone: Choose the time zone of the user from the drop-down list. This information is used to correctly send out alerts, scheduled exports, to-do notifications for new to-dos as well as To-do summaries in the user’s time zone. The default time zone is UTC+01:00. Locked out: If you wish to block the access of a certain user to the Account, choose “Yes”. Allowed login IP addresses: Enter a specific IP address (divide multiple IP addresses with a semicolon) and the user will only have access to the account from this IP address. Company account owner: Select if the user will have Company account owner rights. This means that the user will be able to manage existing users, create new user, change Company information and more. A Location user cannot be a Company account owner. Read only: Check this box if you want this user to be a Read-only user. Otherwise, leave it unchecked. Company account owners cannot be Read-only users. Comments: Add comments about this user in the text field. When you are done, click Save.