General information #

Full name*: The complete name of the person.
ID: If the person has a unique identification number, you can enter it here.
Position/Title: Enter the position or title of the person, for example CFO.
Active: Select if the person is active or not, for example if he or she is still with the company or not.
Responsible for Contracts/People: Select if the person is responsible for other people in the company and for contracts.
Profile picture: Optionally, you can add a profile picture for the person. Either browse to upload or drag and drop a picture file. You can add more files below the “Files” section.
Connections #

Responsible person: Select the person who is responsible (manager) for this person. Click Add new to create a new person.
User account: The Contractpedia account of the person if they have one. You can connect more than one person to the same user account. In order to get maximum value from the automatic to-dos for expiring contracts, it is important to connect all responsible people to a Contractpedia user account. Read more here: Connecting a person to a user account and here: What are Contractpedia To-dos
Location*: The Location that the person belongs to. Click Add new to create a new location.
Department: The Department that the person belongs to. For example “Administration”, “Sales” or “Finance”.
Dates & comments #

Date of birth: Enter the person’s date of birth.
Date comments: You can create date comments for various things, such as Education, Work experience and more. Click + to enable the first record and click the + again to add new. For each record you need to enter Start date and Comments. End date is not a required field.
Contact information #

Email*: Enter the email address of the person.
Phone number: Enter the main phone number of the person.
Phone number (Mobile): Enter the mobile phone number of the person.
Address: Enter the first line of the address of the person.
Zip/Postal: Enter the Zip or Postal code.
City: Enter the city where the person is located.
Country: Choose the correct country from the list.
Files #

Attachments: You can attach documents from your local computer. Simply drag and drop files or click the button to browse files and upload them.
External links: You can paste links to documents or folders stored on cloud storage locations or on your local server. Hit Enter to add a link.
Comments #

Comments: Add comments about this person in the text field below. When you’re done, click Save.