To-do name*: The name of the to-do. For example, “Review if contract is still relevant”.
Assigned to*: The person who will be responsible to take action about this to-do. Click Add new to create a new person.
Location: The Location or business unit that this to-do belongs to. Click Add new to create a new location.
Status*: The current status of the to-do. You can choose between “Not started”, “In progress” and “Finished”.
Priority*: Here you should select “High”, “Medium” or “Low”.
Due date: The date by which action should be taken about this to-do.
Category*: There are four default to-do categories: Expiring contracts, Missing contracts, Renegotiate contracts and Review contracts. Select a relevant To-do category from the list or create a new one, by clicking Add new. Read more about To-do Categories here: To-do Categories
Linked contract: Optionally, you can link a contract to this to-do.
Comments: You can add additional comments about this to-do.