On the Dashboard if you click on Expenses in any month, you are presented with the Monthly Expense list for that month. On this page you can get an overview of your monthly expenses. Here you have all outgoing payments during this month for expense contracts. All expenses are part of the Monthly Expense list, both expenses for Fixed period contracts and expenses for No fixed period contracts.
Here is an explanation of each column on the Monthly Expense list:
Contract name: The name given to the contract. For example, “Contract for cleaning services”.
Fee name: The name given to the fee on the Contract page.
Company: The other party to the contract – the company (supplier) that the contract is made with and you have a commitment to.
Location:The Location in your company that the contract belongs to. For example, “Copenhagen Office”, “24 High Street” or “Building A”.
Department: The Department that the contract belongs to. For example “Administration”, “Sales” or “Finance”.
Date: The date of the payment. On the Contract page you can select “Billing start date” for each fee and it will be displayed here. If no “Billing start date” has been selected, then Contractpedia automatically takes it from the Contract’s start date.
Payments: The amount of money paid for each fee. At the bottom you get the total of the payments which is the total of all outgoing payments during this month, including payments for contracts with a Fixed period and No fixed period.