What is my Dashboard?
Last Updated: October 4, 2024Your Contractpedia dashboard quickly gives you valuable information in a simple way. It presents the current status of your finances. To go to the Dashboard select the first item on the Navigation menu located on the left of your screen. The view for each month contains: Total remaining obligation, Income and Expenses. Total remaining obligation: The total of the remaining money that your company owes and is obliged to pay out as a result of contract commitments. On the Dashboard you are presented with a month-to-month report of your total remaining obligation. If you take a look, you will notice that this number is going down, as the months go by and you pay out the obligation. Not all expenses are part of “Total remaining obligation”, only expense contracts with a Fixed period which means that you have an ongoing commitment. The No fixed period contracts are only in monthly Expenses. These would usually be pay-as-you-go services with no long-term commitment. If you click on Total remaining obligation, you will see more details about your liabilities at this time. Expenses: The total of all outgoing payments during a month for expense contracts. All expenses during this month are here, both contracts with a Fixed period and No fixed period. If you click on Expenses, you will see more details about your expense-related contracts for the particular month. Income: The total of the incoming payments during this month for income contracts. The income is not part of the “Total remaining obligation”, as income is about receivables. If you click on Income, you will see more details about your contracts related to receivables for the particular month. You will also see a notification in case there are any expiring contracts this month. However, this is the date of their expiration and in most cases notice should be given prior to that.
Monthly Liabilities
Last Updated: October 7, 2024On the Dashboard if you click on Total remaining obligation in any month, you are presented with the Monthly Liabilities list for that month. On this page you can get an overview of your monthly liabilities (remaining obligation). Not all expenses are part of the Monthly Liabilities list, only expenses for Fixed period contracts. These contracts create an ongoing commitment. Fees (payments) related to No fixed period expense contracts would be on the Monthly Expenses list but not on the Monthly Liabilities list. Here is an explanation of each column on the Monthly Liabilities list: Contract name: The name given to the contract. For example, “Contract for cleaning services”. Company: The other party to the contract – the company (supplier) that the contract is made with and you have a commitment to. Location: The Location in your company that the contract belongs to. For example, “Copenhagen Office”, “24 High Street” or “Building A”. Department: The Department that the contract belongs to. For example “Administration”, “Sales” or “Finance”. Date: This date is taken from the Contract’s start date that the payments are related to. The contract’s start date would be the first date. For example, if the Contract’s start date is 10 January, then the next one would be 10 February, then 10 March and so on. Total fees: Contract’s total payments for this month grouped together. At the bottom you have the total, which is the total of the payments during this month for expense contracts with a Fixed period, meaning these are contracts with a fixed, usually long-term commitment. Total liabilities: Contract’s remaining liabilities which are the remaining money that your company owes and is obliged to pay out on this contract. At the bottom you have the total liabilities which is the same as the Total remaining obligation on the Dashboard – the total of the remaining money that your company owes and is obliged to pay until the end of the contract terms
Monthly Expense
Last Updated: October 4, 2024On the Dashboard if you click on Expenses in any month, you are presented with the Monthly Expense list for that month. On this page you can get an overview of your monthly expenses. Here you have all outgoing payments during this month for expense contracts. All expenses are part of the Monthly Expense list, both expenses for Fixed period contracts and expenses for No fixed period contracts. Here is an explanation of each column on the Monthly Expense list: Contract name: The name given to the contract. For example, “Contract for cleaning services”. Fee name: The name given to the fee on the Contract page. Company: The other party to the contract – the company (supplier) that the contract is made with and you have a commitment to. Location:The Location in your company that the contract belongs to. For example, “Copenhagen Office”, “24 High Street” or “Building A”. Department: The Department that the contract belongs to. For example “Administration”, “Sales” or “Finance”. Date: The date of the payment. On the Contract page you can select “Billing start date” for each fee and it will be displayed here. If no “Billing start date” has been selected, then Contractpedia automatically takes it from the Contract’s start date. Payments: The amount of money paid for each fee. At the bottom you get the total of the payments which is the total of all outgoing payments during this month, including payments for contracts with a Fixed period and No fixed period.
Monthly Income
Last Updated: October 7, 2024On the Dashboard if you click on Income in any month, you are presented with the Monthly Income list for that month. On this page you can get an overview of your monthly income. Here you have all incoming payments during this month that are related to income contracts. Here is an explanation of each column on the Monthly Income list: Contract name: The name given to the contract. For example, “Contract for cleaning services”. Fee name: The name given to the fee on the Contract page. Company: The other party to the contract – the company (customer) that the contract is made with. Location:The Location in your company that the contract belongs to. For example, “Copenhagen Office”, “24 High Street” or “Building A”. Department: The Department that the contract belongs to. For example “Administration”, “Sales” or “Finance”. Date: The date of the payment. On the Contract page you can select “Billing start date” for each fee and it will be displayed here. If no “Billing start date” has been selected, then Contractpedia automatically takes it from the Contract’s start date. Payments: The amount of money received for each fee. At the bottom you get the total of the incoming payments which is the total of all incoming payments during this month.
Filter and export the Dashboard
Last Updated: October 7, 2024The Dashboard helps you make the most of your data by enabling you to filter and/or export. FILTERYou can choose to see a specific period. To do that select Date from and then Date to. EXPORTTo export what you see on the Dashboard to Excel, simply click Export once you have selected the period and your download will begin. The Dashboard export is an Excel (.xlsx) file.
Filter the Dashboard by Location
Last Updated: October 7, 2024If you are a Company user or have access to more than one Location at your Company, you can view the Dashboard for a selected location only. To do that make a selection from the drop-down list of your Locations. Now all data that you see on the Dashboard will be for the selected Location only. To clear your selection and change back to viewing all Locations use the “x”.