Creating a new alert
Last Updated: November 5, 2024Alert name*: The name of the alert. For example, “Remind me to take action”. Assigned to*: The person who will be responsible to take action about this alert. Click Add new to create a new person. Start date*: The start date of receiving alert notifications on the email. If you want to receive it only once, choose the same Start date and End date. End date*: The end date of receiving alert notifications on the email. Email recipients*: Enter the email addresses of the person(s) who will receive the alert notifications. After you type in an email address, hit Enter or Spacebar. You should enter at least one email address here. It is not required for the email recipients to be Contractpedia users. Notifications frequency*: Choose how often the alert notifications will be sent to the email recipients. If you choose Weekly, you can specify on which days during the week alert notifications will be sent. If you choose Monthly, you can specify if the alert notifications should be sent on the first or the last day of each month. Send monthly on the: If you choose Monthly in the previous field, here you can select if the alert email notifications should be sent on the First day of the month or the Last day of the month. Day(s) selection: If you select Notification frequency: Weekly, here you can select which days exactly the alert email notifications should be sent on. For example, you may wish to receive notifications every Monday. Alert type*: You can link an alert either to a company, contract, asset or person. In this field you need to select the record type. It the next field you can choose the particular record that this alert will be linked to. Linked to*: Depending on the alert type that you have selected in the previous field, here you need to choose a record from the drop-down list to link this alert to. Comments: You can add additional comments about this alert.