General information #
Company name*: The name of the company or organisation.
Status: Select if the company is active or inactive.
Company type*: Choose the company type from the drop-down list: Supplier, Customer or Partner.
Category: Select a category from the default list or create a new category by clicking Add new. You can edit and delete categories from Burger menu > Categories.
VAT Number: Enter the VAT Number of the Company, if it has one. A value added tax identification number is a unique number used in many countries, including the countries of the EU, for value added tax purposes; this number identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for VAT.
ID: You can enter here the ID number of the Company.
Responsible person: A responsible person at your company who is responsible for the relations with this company. Choose a person from the list or click Add new.
Company’s responsible person: Enter the name of the person in this Company who is responsible for the relations with your company.
EAN/GLN: Enter the EAN (European Article Number) or GLN (Global Location Number) for this Company if you have it.
Payment terms: Enter the payment terms of this Company, for example “By the 5th of the month”.
Contact information #
Address: Enter the first line of the address where the company is located.
Zip/Postal: Enter the Zip or Postal code.
City: Enter the city where the company is located.
Country: Choose the correct country from the list.
Phone number: Enter the phone number of the company
Email: Enter the email address of the company.
Website: Enter the website of the company.
Invoice email: Enter the email address of the company used for sending and/or receiving invoices.
Contact persons: You can enter one or more contact persons per Company. For each record you need to enter at least the name of the contact person and optionally his/her Position/Title, Email and Phone number. Click + to enable the first record and click the + again to add a new contact person.
Bank information #
Bank name: Enter the name of the Bank where the bank account of this company is.
Reg No: Enter the registration number of their bank account.
Account number: Enter the bank account number.
SWIFT code: Enter the SWIFT code of the bank.
IBAN: Enter the IBAN (the International Bank Account Number).
You can enter more than bank account record. For each record you need to enter at least the Bank name and optionally Reg No, Account number, SWIFT code and IBAN. Click + to enable the first record and click the + again to add a new bank record.
Dates and comments #
Date comments: You can create date comments for various things that are relevant. Click + to enable the first record and click the + again to add a new date record. For each record you need to enter a Start date and Comments. The End date is not a required field.
Files #
Attachments: You can attach documents from your local computer. Simply drag and drop files or click the button to browse files and upload them.
External links: You can paste links to documents or folders stored on cloud storage locations or on your local server. Click Enter to add a link.
Comments #
Comments: Add comments about this company in the text field below.